Frequently Asked Questions

Dog in the bluebells
  • Integrative Medicine is the combination of alternative medicines, such as traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM), veterinary medical manipulation (VMM), or rehabilitation, with conventional medicine. While alternative medicine can be quite effective as a sole treatment plan, Dr. Mangan believes that pets benefit the most when these medical philosophies are used in combination with your regular medications and preventative wellness visits with your primary veterinarian. This allows your pet to receive the best medicine that either medical philosophy has to offer.

  • Dr. Mangan mostly treats dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep, and cows. If you have another type of animal you would like us to see, just contact us and we’ll get back to you.

  • We will if you live in the greater Eugene/Springfield, Oregon area. Examples include: Pleasant Hill, Eugene, Springfield, Coburg, Thurston, Dexter, Lowell, Creswell, and Cottage Grove. If you live in another city, we might be able to come to you on a case-by-case basis. Call fees are based on mileage.

  • Yes, please! Veterinary medical records help Dr. Mangan get to know your animal. Please email them to before your scheduled appointment so the initial visit can be focused on examination and treatment.

    1. Complete the new patient registration forms.

    2. Please provide medical records from your animal’s primary veterinarian at least 24 hours before your appointment.

    3. Owner or handler must be present, and should be able to comfortably handle their animal so Dr. Mangan can work safely. Owners/handlers may be asked to jog, lunge, or ride their horses as part of evaluation.

    4. Make sure your animals are home! Outdoor or indoor/outdoor kitties should be kept inside, and if they are especially shy, please put them in a room where we can find them easily. Please ensure horses and other livestock are caught up, have a halter and lead rope, squeeze chute, or stanchion available.

    5. Please ensure horses are clean and dry, especially for acupuncture sessions.

    6. For dogs and cats, please have available some high-value, tasty treats that your pet loves to help facilitate the visit.

    7. For dogs and cats, please have a bed, a blanket, and some towels available.

  • The length of time an appointment takes depends on the services rendered. Plan for at least 1.5 hours for initial visits, and around 1 hour for follow up visits.

  • Payment is due at the time of service. Accepted payment methods include:
    - All major credit and debit cards
    - Venmo
    - Zelle
    - Cash
    - Check